Vlad Țepeș and his connection with the legendary story of Dracula

Discover who Vlad Țepeș was and understand his connection to the legend of Dracula.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Vlad Țepeș and his connection with the legendary story of Dracula
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Vlad the Impaler, also known as Vlad Dracula, is one of the most intriguing historical figures in medieval Europe. His brutal character and bloody methods have captured the imagination of both his contemporaries and future generations. The legend of Dracula, the immortal vampire, began circulating in the 19th century and was largely inspired by the personality and deeds of Vlad the Impaler. In this article, we will explore the life of Vlad the Impaler and his relationship to the legend of Dracula.
A portrait of Vlad Țepeș
A portrait of Vlad Țepeș

The Life of Vlad the Impaler

Vlad the Impaler was born in 1431 in Sighisoara, Transylvania, into the noble family of Vlad II Dracul. His surname, Dracula, was inherited from his father, who became a member of the Order of the Dragon, a secret military society from that period. The term "Dracula" comes from the Romanian word "dracul", meaning "devil" or "diabolical". He was often described as a ruthless and merciless leader, but also as a fierce defender of Romanian territories against Ottoman invasions.

The Reign of Terror of Vlad the Impaler

During his reign, Vlad the Impaler fought against the Ottoman Empire and its influence over Wallachia. He became infamous for his cruelty and execution methods, particularly his preference for impaling his enemies, earning him the nickname "the Impaler".

The Legend of Dracula

Over time, the legend of Vlad the Impaler has transformed into the myth of the immortal vampire known as Dracula. Bram Stoker, an Irish writer, partially drew inspiration from the story and reputation of Vlad the Impaler when he wrote the novel "Dracula" in 1897. Stoker incorporated certain elements from the history of Vlad the Impaler, such as his cruelty and his connection to Transylvania, and blended them with existing myths and legends about vampires to create the iconic character of Count Dracula.

The cultural importance of the legend of Dracula

The Bran castle
The Bran castle
The legend of Dracula and the character himself have had a significant impact on popular culture and tourism in Romania. Bran Castle in Transylvania, wrongly associated with Vlad the Impaler and Dracula, has become a major tourist attraction. Movies, books, and theatrical adaptations based on the story of Dracula have contributed to perpetuating the interest in this character and the vampire myth in general.


Vlad the Impaler was a historical figure known for his cruelty and brutal execution methods. The legend of Dracula, which later emerged, was largely inspired by his personality and bloody deeds. Although there is no direct connection between Vlad the Impaler and the immortal vampire Dracula, his myth has continued to fascinate people over the centuries. Thus, Vlad the Impaler has become an important character in popular culture and has contributed to promoting tourism in the Transylvania region.

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Meet Andrei, a resident of Brașov and a passionate blogger. Andrei loves to explore the city's rich history and culture, and he shares his experiences and knowledge with his readers through his blog.