The best ways to travel between Bucharest and Brașov

If you're planning a trip from Bucharest to Brasov, there are several transportation options available to you. One of the most popular and convenient ways to travel is by train, which is affordable, scenic, and more punctual than other forms of transportation. You can purchase train tickets online or at the train station. Other options include buses, cars, private transport companies, and carpooling services like BlaBlaCar. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it's important to consider your budget, schedule, and personal preferences when choosing how to travel between these two popular Romanian cities.

The best ways to travel between Bucharest and Brașov
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If you're planning a trip from Bucharest to Brașov, there are several ways you can travel between these two popular Romanian cities. In this article, we'll explore the various options and help you decide on the best way to get there.

Traveling by train

One of the most popular and convenient ways to travel from Bucharest to Brașovis by train. The journey takes around 2.5-3 hours, and trains run regularly throughout the day. One of the advantages of traveling by train is that you can avoid traffic jams on the road, especially during peak travel times. Additionally, trains are generally more punctual than buses or cars, so you can be sure to arrive at your destination on time.
Another benefit of traveling by train is that it is affordable. Train tickets for the journey from Bucharest to Brasov start from around 30-50 RON, depending on the type of train and class of ticket you choose. Compared to other modes of transportation, traveling by train can be a cost-effective option for budget-conscious travelers.
Taking a train is usually the best option
Taking a train is usually the best option
To purchase train tickets, you can visit the website of the Romanian rail company, CFR Calatori, or purchase tickets in person at the train station. Booking your tickets in advance is recommended, especially during peak travel times, to ensure availability and secure the best prices.

Other means of transport

In addition to traveling by train, there are other ways to get from Bucharest to Brasov. Buses and cars are popular options for those who prefer a more flexible schedule or want to take a different route. However, it's important to note that traffic can be heavy on the roads, especially during peak travel times, which can make the journey longer and more stressful.
Using BlaBlaCar is a very popular option in Romania
Using BlaBlaCar is a very popular option in Romania
Private transport companies, such as Transfero and Autogari, offer mini-bus or car services directly from Bucharest to Brasov. These services can be more expensive than traveling by train or bus, but they offer a more convenient and comfortable option for those who prefer a private transfer.
BlaBlaCar is another option for traveling between the two cities. It's a carpooling service that allows passengers to share rides with drivers who are traveling in the same direction. This can be a good option for those who want to meet new people and save money, but it's important to be aware of the potential for traffic delays on the road.


There are several ways to travel from Bucharest to Brașov, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Traveling by train is the most popular and convenient option, offering affordable prices, scenic views, and reliable schedules. However, if you prefer a more flexible schedule or want to take a different route, buses, cars, and private transport companies are also available. Whichever option you choose, we hope this article has provided you with the information you need to plan your journey and enjoy your trip to Bucharest and Brașov.

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Meet Andrei, a resident of Brașov and a passionate blogger. Andrei loves to explore the city's rich history and culture, and he shares his experiences and knowledge with his readers through his blog.

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